Select The Best Plan for You

30 Days Money Back Guarantee On All Our Services
1 GB of Disk Space
1 GB of Traffic
1 Domain Hosting
2 Sub-domains
1 Domain alias
10 Mailboxes
100MB per mailbox
10 Mailing Lists
10 Databases
WordPress with may add-ons.
Hosting Hero Bronze Price FREE! Order Now
10 GB of Disk Space
10 GB of Traffic
3 Domain Hosting
5 Sub-domains
5 Domain alias
50 Mailboxes
100MB per mailbox
20 Mailing Lists
20 Databases
WordPress with may add-ons.
Hosting Hero Silver Price €3,99/mo
Order Now
50 GB of Disk Space
50 GB of Traffic
10 Domain Hosting
10 Sub-domains
10 Domain alias
150 Mailboxes
150MB per mailbox
50 Mailing Lists
50 Databases
WordPress with may add-ons.
Hosting Hero Gold Price €7,98/mo
Order Now
unlimited Disk Space
unlimited Traffic
unlimited Domain Hosting
unlimited Sub-domains
unlimited Domain alias
unlimited Mailboxes
200MB per mailbox
unlimited Mailing Lists
unlimited Databases
WordPress with may add-ons.
Hosting Hero Platinum Price €15,99/mo
Order Now
Platinum Hero - NGO Price FREE! Order Now